Sunday, January 30, 2011

PS3 hacked, Again !!

Just before new year, hackers such as Geo Hotz and fail0verflow were successful in hacking the PS3. They were able to find keys which are very private to any ps3. These keys were really essential component of the security layer of the PS3. Hence, revealing those meant PS3 being hacked completely. However, these guys did not finish the job completely. I mean the hack was not complete-everyone had their priorities. Fail0verflow wants the Linux functionality back-nothing more- while Geo Hotz is tired of hacking and would like to work on the other side. But they were generous enough to put all they knew on the internet so that another hacker could use the keys in a better way.
This ‘another hacker’ happened to be “KaKaRoToKS”. Yes, he is the one who released the custom firmware for version 3.55 and 3.41. You can use the custom firmware version if you have not yet updated to version 3.56. 

As always Sony was quick enough to release an update to annul the custom firmware functionality. The new update is mandatory to login to PSN. Hence firmware had t be updated if needed to go online. Smart move don’t you think? Guess who got smarter? Within a day of the update being released it was hacked again by KaKaRoToKS. He also published the application keys which were extra security introduced by version 3.56. However, KaKaRoToKS assures that the new version can be hacked to allow homebrew applications. But, sadly he is not interested in that. He tweets that he is currently concentrating on giving more functionality to his custom firmware rather than hacking the new firmware. This is indeed bad news but not to worry because the world is full of hackers who are eager to hack the PS3 once in for all.
Revealing the application keys were the first steps to “jailbreak” PS3 without any dongles or circuit boards. So get ready to Jailbreak your PS3 using a USB drive-as easy as you update your firmware.
Whatever the case we are watching!

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