Saturday, November 6, 2010


Obama has landed in India!

Yes, the US president has landed in Mumbai. He left USA last night (IST) after losing the House of Representatives. It’s the biggest ever swing in the last 72 years of the United States. Anyone can surely conclude that the tide is against Obama in his own country.
He is a great orator, no doubt about that. But his nay-sayers seem to have got it right for now. What a politician promises rarely translates into actual work. Yes, there was the recession. We can’t blame him alone for the economic miseries .But instead of wasting time accusing companies for outsourcing jobs to India, he could have had a meeting with all the companies and countries to which jobs are being outsourced and found a middle ground with them. Too much time was spent in expressing the problem than in finding an actual solution.
In this crisis, Obama will probably try to adopt more protectionist measures likely to help US economy at Asia’s expense. India is likely to be hit in a big way.
India, with some strong policies must be able to negate this. Obama may play the Environment card to dent our industries, which by the way, are irresponsible towards the ecosystem to a certain degree.
Let this visit not be an escape route for him, for the criticism he is getting in US right now. I hope president Obama's visit will improve Indo-US ties.

 The US president has eased some of the  barriers to investment, such as removal of DRDO, ISRO, BDL from the hi-tech ban list.  He  announced deals worth $10bn supposedly creating 50000 American jobs. There will be new jobs here in India as well, no specific number though..
So what do YOU think about this issue? Are sympathetic towards his mis-fortune(of America being in a bad shape when he became the President) ? Or maybe you are totally against his visit? Do let us know..
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  1. actually good one , but does obama really deserve so much criticism ????thinking from american (read as democratic ) perspective it may be right for them.. but yes, almost all of his policies are harming us more than they harm taliban.. keep going ..:)

  2. Yes, he deserves the criticism. you can easily conclude from the way the visit is going on...

  3. He doesn't deserve that amount of critisism. He has done a fairly good work on controlling the recession and has fulfilled his promise of pulling back troops from iraq. Make no mistake there is an increased issue on taliban, but certainly more needs to be done.
